Senegal startups SunuBus and CoinAfrique recieve Microsoft support

Senegal startups SunuBus and CoinAfrique recieve Microsoft support

Microsoft supports two startups in Senegal, SunuBus(Weego) and CoinAfrique using technology to add value to people’s lives.

In the last six months Microsoft says through its 4Afrika arm it has supported over 300 startups across Africa. Giving them access to digital tools, resources and skills. Amongst these are 3 startups from Senegal; ADN Tech, SunuBus and CoinAfrique. ADN Tech being an earlier beneficiary.

Microsoft’s Partner and Startups strategy Lead 4Afrika, Muhammed Nabil says “Microsoft is here to support and help accelerate Senegal’s 2025 digital vision, which promotes ICT-driven development.
By partnering with these organisations, we’re bringing digital solutions to more industries and people. Investing in startup growth is also important to us, due to the significant role they play in job creation and using technology to help achieve sustainable development goals

SunuBus and CoinAfrique are recent recipients of Microsoft’s technology and business support to scale up and grow. The partnership will see the startups use Microsoft’s cloud service Azure.
SunuBus(Weego) is a transit app that helps make public transportation travel easy. It allows users to find buses, monitor arrivals in real-time, and share their position to assist others and earn rewards.
CoinAfrique is a free classifieds platform for new and used products. Users make money selling unused items and also find bargains.

CoinAfrique’s founder, Matthias Papet says Microsoft has supported them in getting investment-ready for series B funding.

Microsoft 4Afrika has supported CoinAfrique in getting investment-ready for series B funding. Developing a data strategy for enhanced business insights and scaling up to reach our goal of becoming the number one francophone classifieds marketplace.” – Matthias Pape

Microsoft 4Afrika’s support helps startups access consumers, financing, information, skills and services and technology.

Microsoft 4Afrika Skills #Interns4Afrika Opportunité de Stage Dakar, Senegal

Microsoft 4Afrika Skills #Interns4Afrika Opportunité de Stage Dakar, Senegal

À Dakar, Senegal et cherchent à construire une expérience de travail avec possibilité réel, l’expérience réelle et véritable formation? L’initiative des compétences Microsoft 4Afrika de Interns4Afrika Stage fait cela.


Vous cherchez un moyen de commencer votre carrière? Vous cherchez à construire une expérience professionnelle dans un environnement en plein essor? Le programme de stages Interns4Afrika offre aux jeunes une expérience unique. Celui qui est dynamique et agile avec des organisations sur le continent africain.

Le programme de stages Interns4Afrika offre aux jeunes talents une expérience unique avec une organisation technologique dynamique et agile sur le continent africain. Que vous soyez en herbe pour un avenir dans les ventes, le marketing ou la technologie, ceci est votre chance de lancer votre avenir. – 4Afrika

Avec cette offre , vous travaillerez pour 6 mois avec une organisation partenaire Microsoft à Dakar, au Senegal sur des projets réels. Vous collaborerez et apprenez de vos collègues. Avoir plus question à poser au sujet du programme Interns4Afrika, consultez la FAQ .

Développement des habiletés en de classe mondiale 
est sur les plans de Microsoft pour aider les Africains à développer des compétences 
pour l’ esprit d’ entreprise et l’ amélioration de l’ employabilité et la compétitivité.

Microsoft dit, en tant que leader dans la plate – forme et de la productivité pour le premier mobile, le monde premier nuage, nous croyons à ce que les gens rendent possible. Notre mission est de permettre à chaque personne et chaque organisation sur la planète pour obtenir plus. 
L’initiative Microsoft 4Afrika nous a permis de lier notre croissance avec des approches qui permettent d’ accélérer la croissance pour le continent dans trois domaines critiques du développement. Compétences de classe mondiale, l’ accès et l’ innovation. Chacun de ces portant sur différents aspects qui aideront à encourager les jeunes africains, les entrepreneurs, les promoteurs et les chefs d’entreprise et civiques. Pour transformer degrandes idées une réalité qui peut aider leur communauté, leur pays, le continent et au -delà.

Stage à Dakar, au Senegal

Ne pas appliquer si vous:

– Ne sont pas un citoyen Senegal
– N’a pas obtenu votre diplôme 
– sont employés  
– Ne pouvez pas parler et comprendre l’anglais

Cliquez ici pour demander des stages en marketing ou commercial. Cliquez pour en savoir plus d’informations et d’appliquer.

Avez-vous eu une expérience précédente? Allez-vous demander? Parlez-nous dans les commentaires. Aussi bien vouloir partager, vous pourriez sauver ou aider la carrière de quelqu’un.

Microsoft Honours their African Partners

Microsoft Honours their African Partners

Microsoft held it’s annual Worldwide Partners Conference in Toronto, Canada this month. The event is held yearly to appreciate the efforts of it’s partners in delivering Microsoft Services around the world.

Microsoft Partners

Microsoft Partners in Africa have ben honoured locally and internationally by the Microsoft teams in Africa and Redmond. There was the Worldwide Partners Conference and the Hounouring Our Partners Awards ceremony held in Lagos.

“These partners and their award nominations were truly exceptional, and their accomplishments should be viewed as examples of excellence for every Microsoft partner. Their achievements have enabled clients to perform sufficiently and have given a unique level of autonomy to businesses that was just not possible before,” says Amr Kamel, General Manager (acting) for Microsoft WECA.

Of the many Microsoft Partners around the world 6 of them operating in Africa received recognition. These were honoured  as the country Partner of the year at the Worldwide Partner Conference 2016;

  • Softnet (Country Partner of The Year – Burkina Faso)

SOFTNET has been working with Microsoft in improving the e-gov project with the EPG team.  They also worked with the EPG team in the SIGU project.

  • INOVA (Country Partner of The Year – Côte d’Ivoire)

INOVA specialized in software development, system integration, networking infrastructure and Training.  INOVA have been a Microsoft Certified Partner and training center (CPLS) since 2004. They are the first gold partner in The Cloud productivity in Cote d’Ivoire.

  • Business Connexion Namibia (Pty) Ltd. (Country Partner of The Year – Namibia)

Business Connexion Namibia (Pty) Ltd continuously use Microsoft platform products and solutions to build innovation ICT solutions for their customers. Partners such as Business Connexion play a vital role in growing Microsoft’s footprint in countries such as Namibia through their focus Microsoft approach.

  • Signal Alliance (Country Partner of The Year – Nigeria)

Signal Alliance are the most Cloud Competent partner in the ecosystem, accomplishing 1 Gold Cloud and 2 silver competencies this year.  In FY16 they displayed a high level of commitment to our Cloud Transformation Journey, which is evident in their performance till date.

  • Dimension Data (Country Partner of The Year – Rwanda)

Through consistent and strategic customer Engagement, Dimension Data have been able to “win over Rwanda as a country”.  Working together with Microsoft, Dimension Data closed the 1st ever full Cloud banking deal in Rwanda, Bank of Kigali. Dimension Data is currently also engaged in the deployment of Office 365 Edu at the ministry of Education. A large transformative project that will impact millions of students.

  • FTF (Country Partner of The Year – Senegal)

FTF is a solutions provider in complementary areas of computing covering cloud services, the design and the implementation of Basic Infrastructure services, infrastructure services supporting productivity, infrastructure services supporting the application platform, security, training, and support.

  • Dimension Data (Country Partner of The Year – Tanzania)

Dimension Data has shown key strengths in understanding the Tanzania market therefore selecting strategically which sectors to play in. Dimension Data has been able to achieve significant progress in positioning additional products like share point.

At the Honouring Our Partner Awards ceremony the following companies received awards;

Microsoft West, East and Central Africa (WECA) also rewarded their Microsoft Partners for excellence in specific competencies:

  • Techno Brain (Kenya) for application development
  • eSolutions Consulting (Ghana) for cloud packaged solutions and education
  • Dimension Data Solutions (Kenya) for communications and cloud productivity
  • The Cloud Factory EMEA (Mauritius) received the data platform award as well as the data analytics award along with Currimjee Informatics (Mauritius)
  • Full Technologies Formations (Senegal) received an award for hybrid cloud and infrastructure
  • M-KOPA Solar (Kenya) received the Internet of Things (IoT) award
  • ComputerPride (Kenya) got the learning award
  • M2M Systems (Kenya) received the small and midmarket cloud solutions award
  • Inova Solutions got the Windows and devices deployment award
  • Elytis (Mauritius) was named distributor of the Year
  • Eclectics International (Kenya) received the Microsoft Dynamics Industry award
  • Novabase (Mozambique) received the government award

The Microsoft 4Afrika team received a special award for their contributions in upskilling interns and facilitating the MySkills4Afrika volunteer programme to bring skills from across Microsoft into Africa.

Finally, VeriPark received the General Manager Award for their partnership with Microsoft in developing products that drive great service and meet customers’ business needs.


Source: Microsoft Africa

Microsoft et OUMOU Informatique organisent une journée portes ouvertes à Dakar

Microsoft et OUMOU Informatique organisent une journée portes ouvertes à Dakar

Acquisition, mise à jour ou des questions sur le nouveau Windows 10 et Office 2016? Venez leur découvrir à un rendez-vous aujourd’hui à Agence Prestige au Point E à Dakar, Senegal à partir de 0900h à 11h30.

microsoft umou

OUMOU Informatique en partenariat avec Microsoft Africa organisent une journée portes-ouvertes, entrée libre, afin de vous présenter les innovations technologiques Microsoft Windows 10 et Office 2016.

L’événement aura lieu aujourd’hui le Jeudi 28 Janvier 2016, De 09h à 11h A L’Agence Prestige, De Oumou Leader Distribution Equipement Au POINT E.

Pour La Grande Découverte de Nouvelles Technologies Microsoft Windows 10 et Office 2016, Ainsi que Office 365, En partenariat avec Microsoft Africa, vous Aurez L’opportunité De Bénéficier Des Mises à Jour Gratuites de Windows10.
Des Solutions Devices à Vos Problèmes Matériaux et Equipements Informatique, De Même que Des Offres Spéciales et de Nombreux Cadeaux à Bénéficier.

Alors, des questions sur le nouveau Windows et Office 2016 ? Envie de faire votre mise à jour et/ou acquérir Windows 10 et/ou Office 2016 ? Ou Profiter de nos offres sur les Devices?

Si un ou toute vos réponse sont oui, aller à cette événement et profiter de l’opportunité

Oumou informatique : Créée en 2005, la société OUMOU INFORMATIQUE s’est donnée pour mission d’accompagner les particuliers et les entreprises dans leurs évolutions informatiques.


La Source: Microsoft WCA , OUMOU